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                                                                RE-ELECT BRIAN BEGOLE FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE


  Rep. Brian BeGole was elected to serve the 71st House District in November 2022.   He currently serves as a member of the House Criminal Justice Committee, the House Local Government and Municipal Finance Committee, and the House Energy, Communications and Technology Committee. Prior to being elected to the Michigan House of Representatives, Brian worked in law enforcement for 32 years, including six as Shiawassee County Sheriff.  His knowledge and experience  has quickly made him a sought after voice in Lansing with policy related to  law enforcement, criminal justice, and school safety.   He works hard every day to protect the constitutional rights of his constituents.  












“ I strive everyday to treat people with kindness and a feeling of worth. As an elected law enforcement official I believe I have a unique relationship with the people and I understand that being accessible when people need me the most is important."

                                                                       -Brian BeGole


Paid for by Brian BeGole for State Representative : 1975 E Beard Rd, Perry, MI 48872     © 2022 Brian BeGole for State Representative 

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